June Is Busting Out

Cone flower

First cluster of cone flowers I've seen in bloom this year--seen while biking on Cedar Valley Nature Trail.

Cone flower

Second view of first cone flower.

Saw it today, the official symbol of summer in Iowa, a sign that spring is but a memory and Japanese beetles will soon be devouring our rose bushes and Linden trees.

A cluster of cone flowers were in bloom about 3 miles north of Hiawatha along the Cedar Valley Nature Trail. More about the ride on my bike blog.

I am not sure why I like cone flowers so much. They look a little like deformed daisies with inadequate pedals and grossly overgrown middle part of the flower, but they are tall, sturdy, and Iowan, too. A nice harbinger of the middle-summer cone flower and day lily season, about to begin.

The pretty white flowers in the grass were more numerous than the cone flowers. Don’t know what they are.

Finally, a tree photo—again from the bike ride, but nearer the Cedar River in downtown Cedar Rapids. Blog fans, what is this tree which is fairly common and in bloom right now?

White flower

A lot more of this white flower was in bloom on the hillside where I saw the cone flower.

Mystery tree

OK, blog fans, the mystery tree. What is is? Common, medium sized tree with sweet smelling blossoms, in bloom now, A row is beside a downtown parking lot next to the Cedar River trail, but I see many of these trees all around CR. Please comment and let me know what three these flowers are from..


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3 responses to “June Is Busting Out

  1. Paul

    The tree with white blossoms is called Japanese Tree Lilac

  2. crgardenjoe

    Paul, I think you’re right, but I’m a bit surprised–it appears this Asian tree is very popular in eastern Iowa …. but then again, so are lilacs that aren’t trees ….

  3. Shanna McGee

    Thank you so much for this post! I have that mystery tree in my front yard and I’ve been searching the web in vain trying to label it. All the websites send me to redbud, because of the heart shaped leaves and that it flowers in June. Now I know! They plant them a lot in landscaping because it blooms after spring flowers, but before summer flowers.

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